Saturday, April 29, 2006


It's about the time when I start fantasizing about Summer. The lure of sleeping in. The thrill of having "nothing but time" on my hands. The freedom from pesky teenagers and demands. Ah, it's sweet.

My last day of work for the year is June 9th. Teachers have one day to wrap up grades, finals, clean their rooms, and check out. Yes, we have check out sheets. As soon as you're done, you go home.

One year, I was done so early, I felt guilty leaving. So, I helped other friends clean and organize their rooms. I had "nothing but time." Such an amazing feeling.

Now, I've started looking at projects for my free time: an awesome Sundance scrapbook (It won't be cheesy. I'm not into all of those themes stickers and stuff), planting trees in my yard, reading the piles and piles of books in my office and maybe an Oppegaard original if he's willing, and just chillin' on my hammock. I CANNOT wait.

Movie of the Day: About a Boy. Hugh Grant plays a man living off of his inheritance. He meets a boy who changes his life forever. Quirky and fun.

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