Monday, April 10, 2006


Greetings From Sunny California. There's a little sun. A little. We are relaxing this morning, plotting out what to do for the rest of the day. My aunt is prepping her music for her orchestra rehearsal tonight. Her orchestra is playing with the San Francisco Gay Mens Chorus. We're going to try to catch a bit of the rehearsal. It's a shame that all of those cute, clean men will be gay. Maybe there will be a few scruffy ones for balance.

My aunt claims that there are a slew of single, straight men in the city, but I'm not sure I buy it. It's kind of nice to just assume that no one would be interested and just go on my happy way. Hmmmm... a new way of life? Ignore men? Hmmmm.....

So, I know you've been missing a movie of the day (for two whole days!) so, I'll give you a trilogy to take care of you: The Lord of the Rings saga. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Start looking! Have a great time.
See you when? (I forget.)