Monday, April 17, 2006

Here We Go

It's back to school today for all the Duluth kiddies and teachers. There are thousands of little groans going on (or will be in the next few hours) across the city as we face the final stretch of the school year. It's exciting and I tell myself "That's nothing!" Then I remember the obstacles:
  • state testing (starting Wednesday)
  • field trips (not mine, but absences from other trips)
  • General lack of attention because brains turn off at about 70 degrees or the glimpse of a sunny day

I'll see what I can do to get things to stick in their supple minds. Hmmmm...

Movie of the Day: IQ. Meg Ryan plays Einstein's niece. Tim Robbins is the mechanic who tries to show he's a genius to win her love. Walter Mathau is Einstein. His buddies are famous mathematicians. Cheesy, but funny.

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